Membership | Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Interested in membership into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.?
Alpha Phi Alpha recognizes two types of membership, College and Alumni. An aspirant (a man seeking membership into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.) may apply for membership into an Alumni Chapter as a graduate who has earned a degree from a fully accredited four year college of university. Alumni Aspirants are encouraged to join chapters that are within a 60 mile radius of their permanent place of residence.
All Intake Membership Development Processes (IMPD), college and alumni, shall conform to the same rules and regulations set forth by the Standing Orders, the Constitution & By-laws and elsewhere. NO intake process may contain activities barred by the laws of the Fraternity, municipalities, states, academic institutions, and the federal government. Membership in Alpha Phi Alpha does not give a member the privilege to initiate new members, nor is a chapter granted the privilege outside of its charter jurisdiction.

Alumni Membership Eligibility
Any male holder of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may be presented as a candidate for membership in an Alumni Chapter provided that he:
- Any male holder of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may be presented as a candidate for membership in an alumni chapter provided that he:
- Has been minimally conferred a 4-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (includes accredited online university)
- Is of good character
- Is registered to vote, if eligible and qualified
- Is sponsored by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership